Op deze en volgende pagina’s wil ik in de toekomst een korte geschiedenis van onze boot vermelden.  Op dit moment liggen de meeste gegevens aan boord waar ik (gelukkig meent S.) nog niet over een scanner beschik.

Schilderij van de Artemis, gemaakt in oktober 1988 door Han van Zon.

MS Artemis

MS Artemis

One Comment

  1. Victor M. Couwenbergh says:

    As all the details asked are in English, my comment submitted here will be in that ever so familiar worldwide language too.

    What the story of your beautiful ship’s history reveils is a breathtaking saga of Dutch nautical history, human suffering, struggling with misfortune and financial sacraficies. But there is Victory at the end !! And well deserved !!

    Thank you very much for this inside view not only in your courageous and persistant sailorship and - above all - also in your unconditional love for your ship, and your endless devotition for this beautiful example of naval heritage.

    With wet regards,

    Victor J. Couwenbergh and wife-atSS Bunnik (leaking but still afloat)